Reece Consulting and Therapy
Compassion. Discretion. Expertise.

Therapy and Treatment
We believe in the power of human connection and the importance of personal growth. Our therapy approach is collaborative and holistic, focusing on the unique needs and strengths of each person we work with. Trauma Informed Care and Cultural Competence are important facets of all therapy and treatment services.
Individual Therapy
Individual therapy is a 50-minute session that begins with an initial interview and assessment to review your history. The focus is on clarifying your goals and explaining various options for treatment. Significant results are expected within the first six visits.
Current providers have specializations in working with symptoms of serious mental illness, such as Schizophrenia, Bi-Polar Disorder, Trauma, Suicidal Thoughts, or Self-Harming Behaviors.
We also work with individuals experiencing challenges with life transitions and the changes the global pandemic has brought to our daily lives. We will work with you and your medication management provider to help you gain control of your own life story.
Relationship Counseling
Successful relationship counseling focuses on the partnership, not the transgression. Every partnership has different needs and challenges. Whether you and your partner are struggling after a specific event, or you have potentially been feeling out of touch for a while, communication can help.
The goal of couples therapy here is not to save the union at any cost. It is to heal the relationship between the two of you, whatever the outcome of the partnership. Life is complex and challenging. Love, trust, and the changing dynamics of relationships are unique to every couple.
Group Therapy
Our small group therapy sessions provide a safe and private environment for individuals to participate in process and support groups. We utilize various mediums such as writing, art, and role-playing to facilitate healing and growth.
Family Therapy
Family Therapy can be the main focus of our work together, or it may be incorporated into helping an individual patient achieve goals. Family therapy is often useful for parents, caregivers, and guardians who have struggled to provide a balance of a supportive environment with appropriate boundaries for their loved ones.
In therapy sessions, we’ll work together to develop a shared understanding of the core issues, and navigate how to communicate within the family, and with other providers to establish and grow positive connections across generations.
Psychological Assessment
Psychological Assessment is a specialized skill used to aid in understanding the source of the challenge. Every assessment starts with a referral question. We use both objective and projective testing to achieve a differential diagnosis, help direct the course of treatment for patients that may have had difficulty making progress, and to provide the most effective model of evidence-based treatment available to our patients.
Every client is unique and the cost of an assessment is based on the average time needed to provide the testing to a client, review any information provided in records or interviews, and integrate all of the available information in a comprehensive written report.
Paperwork and Documentation
This service is billed in 15 minute increments with a minimum of 15 minutes. We offer assistance with professional paperwork and documents. Some examples are requests for letters in support of individuals with a documented need for an emotional support or service animal, or providing recommendations to help patients obtain accommodations in workplace or educational programs. Additionally, we provide assistance with nexus letters to support disability claims.